Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Admirable Cyrano - Our Top 5 Moments

In the plays first act, Cyrano de Bergerac expresses to his friend, Le Bret, that his plan is "To make myself in all things admirable." Cyrano is quite successful in accomplishing this throughout the rest of his life.
1) Cyrano is willing to protect Christian from harm upon Roxane's request even though he loves her and is envious of her love for Christian. He honours his word each time Christian his put in the way of harm.
2) Le Bret cleary has admiration for Cyrano when he describes him as "The best friend and bravest soul alive."
3) Cyrano displays courage, and admirable trait, in the first act on the night when he fights one hundred men by himself. Preceding this, he confronts Montfleury and is triumphant in his duel with the actor.
4) At the end of the play, as Cyrano is dying, he finally admits to Roxane his love for her. He is finally honest with her and is rewarded with requited love.
5) Cyrano helps Christian with his pursuit of Roxane. He gives him the words to say and helps him out when Christian tries to go it alone and fails. He risks his life everyday to deliver his letters from the war, written by Cyrano and signed by Christian.

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